Jimani-Ruinas del barrio la Cuarenta

This good hearted Haitian woman opened her home, so I could take refuge from the rain that took me for surprise. I spent close to an hour at her place, and I meet her extended family cousins, two sisters, and an uncle in his sixties. Her man came from the mountaints to work rebilding the town.works that live with her. They were funny eventhough, I could not understand half of what they said. My high school French was all forgotten, and they could just speak a few words in Spanish, but I managed to let them know how thankful I was, and then, hit the road. It is ironic, but they are also refugees from the terrible killings that is sweeping through Haiti like a plague. Therefore, many Hatians are forced to cross the illucive botter line into The Dominican Republic. They prefer to take their chances staying living on a dry river bed that just took the lifes of nearly 2000 people fifteen moths ago, rather than to be in their own country. Haiti's civil war is a secret to the world.
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